So Joe and I (the guy I have a crush on) have been going back and forth through gmail talking about ourselves. I told about school, told about my being a nut to a small extent but the whole picture. Now I just wait and hope he responds.
Teehee he is a WoW addict too! He's turning out to be perfect so far... lol. I'm such a nerd when I think a guy that plays WoW makes him perfect. I know better then that. I'm still weary but the more we talk the more interested I get. Still I don't want to end up in a relationship like I did with Matt. I learned that lesson and now I'm being extra careful. I hope. Anyways we have a date set up for next Friday. He was one of the lucky few going to Midwinter (a gathering of a bunch of LARPs in Milwaukee)so we could not set that up for this week. I can wait.
I feel like a giddy school girl. It's been so long (over 5 years) since I had gone on a date with someone I didn't already know.
On another topic, I'm mad at a friend. I'm trying to not be because I understand what he is going through and have been in the same boat, but now that I'm getting it from the other end, I more understand what it's like for the other person and can't help but be upset. Sleep took most of the edge off though. After being nothing but nice and not anyway using, of him, he took his anger out on me and grr. Oh well. I'll get over. It's not like I'm not used to it from others, it was just a shock from him.
New topic, I have nothing to do today. I am going to be bored. I think I'll sleep most of the day. I could play WoW but I'm in south shore. SOOOO boring.I hate lvling.
On another note I want my old body back! I feel unhealthy. I need to work out again. I was fine till looked at old pictures of when I was in Arizona. Besides the flat boobs I think i looked pretty damn good. Besides the bad hair cut. I am beginning to feel self conscious again. Stupid meds.
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