Sunday, October 30, 2011

Not such a good time after all

I am crazy. There is no way out of it. Meds do nothing, coping doesn't do anything anymore, keeping my mind occupied is good for a time but after it's done and gone, whatever event I was doing, anything can set me off. I am saddened, I am lonely, I need help but I don't have anyone to ask anymore. I have burdened enough people that I can't bring myself to ask anyone else.
I had a major seizure this past Wednesday. I have been having minor ones every so often sense. My Doc hasn't bothered to call back and tell me what to do. I am scared, hurt, and alone. I am losing my mind slowly, but it is getting faster the me I go through with this pain. I would cut out my nerves if I could. Get the pain done for good. Even my beautiful and adorable dog is annoying the crap out of me and it's not his fault. I just can't handle much anymore. I might smother my boyfriend right now because he snores so loud, I can't sleep. I haven't had a good night's sleep since last Tuesday. Typing as fast as I can and as much as I can is the only thing keeping me from snapping right now, but it's getting louder! I'm going to loose it! I can't take ythis pain anymore it, hurs so much, my lungs, I can't breath, alll i can do is type and hope I can stick through it., I it hurts! ;lskdskl,./iohmy heart!jHELP ME!!!!!!!!!

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