Sunday, June 5, 2011

Updates are always fun

I don't know how many times I have cried this week. I know it's far more then anyone has seen. I'm down to one working limb now. I don't know how much longer I'm going to be able to use my cane because my arm is starting to give out. When that happens, I won't be able to use my wheelchair either. Sadly I can't just switch hands because my left arm is starting to go as well. Soon, I'm sure my left leg will start going. Then I'm shit out of luck aren't I? I don't know what I'm going to do about getting around anymore if I can't use my cane or my wheelchair. I can't be bed ridden, that will drive me nuts and I wont get anything done. The Doctors aren't doing anything. Bastards. If they had only done their jobs in the first place I might be ok, or at least on recovery instead of endure extreme pain and losing functioning in all of my limbs. These daily headaches are driving me crazy and it's getting hard to breath sometimes. But only when the pain shoots through or a bit after. I've gotten good at hiding it, when it's getting bad. But people are making it easy by not looking either. I am not surprised. Everyone here has there own problems and everyone's seem worse then the others. I'm going to be driven mad if I end up not being able to move. So much for not taking medication to for whatever crazy they list me as now-a-days. But that will come when it comes. For now, I just have the pain to worry about. Everything else will come in it's own time.

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